NDR Method® for Herniated,
Degenerative or Bulging Spinal Discs
We Provide Our Non-Surgical, Exclusive Trademarked NDR Method® Spinal Disc Treatment in our Charlotte, NC Office

Many people, perhaps you are one of them, have suffered with either a spinal disc condition or back pain for a long period of time. The number of people suffering is also growing. Over 5 million patients are diagnosed each year with a disc condition. You, and others like you, do not give up hope on a solution, which is why so many patients keep going from one recommended back pain treatment to another.
Over the past months or years, you have expended a lot of time, energy and money in an effort to alleviate the pain associated with your disc condition. Most people have tried physical therapy, epidural injections, acupuncture, chiropractic, laser therapy and many have even had surgery (laminectomy, discectomy, fusion), hoping that their problem will finally be remedied. One medical research study after another brings about the same conclusion. Doctors and patients are not treating the source of the problem, only the resulting symptoms. The true source of the problem gets passed over and is never addressed in standard back pain treatment protocols. The treatments that are focusing on the symptoms allow your disc to continue to die, not heal. This is the main reason that nothing seems to provide you, and others like you, lasting results.
If this sounds like the situation you have found yourself in, rest assured, you are not alone. Countless patients have been in similar circumstances, and they have been able to avoid spinal surgery, and find lasting results with our treatment.

To request an appointment, please complete the form below and a member of our scheduling team will contact you.
Please Note: Submitting this form does not establish a Doctor-Patient relationship and this form is not intended as a means to dispense medical advice.
When a person is suffering with degenerative discs, sciatica, spinal stenosis, bulging discs and other disc-related symptoms, most doctors will, undoubtedly present their patients with options for coping with the symptoms of their deteriorating and dying disc. In all likelihood, they probably won’t spend much time going over the active and natural healing mechanism your body has within the spinal disc. This distinctive mechanism is responsible for making sure that your disc receives the water and nutrients that your disc needs to thrive and live. When this process stops functioning, it then becomes the fundamental problem that is the cause of the conditions you may be experiencing now.
When you evaluate the spinal disc or back pain treatments that you have been trying (physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, epidural injections, spinal surgery, etc.) you can see why they have not provided you with ongoing relief because the fundamental problem is not being addressed by the physicians you have gone to for help. Due to the fact that your physician or surgeon does not have a way of treating the fundamental problem that caused your condition in the first place, they will most likely not explain this characteristic of your condition to you. Taking the steps to be aware of your true medical problem could quite possibly help you avoid a potentially unwarranted or dangerous surgery.
Researchers in 2011, for example, examined 274 cases in which people were informed by a surgeon their lumbar or cervical spine was in need of surgery. The experts performing the research analyzed those cases in great detail, they selected 183 of the cases for a second opinion. When those cases were evaluated again, 60.7% were determined to be unnecessary surgically, 33.3% were found to be the wrong surgery, and only a mere 6% fell into the category of a correct and necessary surgery. When a reasonable person takes a look at those percentages, they can clearly see that 94% of those patients were subject to either an unnecessary surgery or the wrong surgery.
Our NDR Method® is a non-surgical medical treatment of spinal discs. Taking the steps to be aware of your true medical problem could quite possibly help you avoid a potentially unwarranted or dangerous surgery. When the origin for the problem is not clearly addressed, conditions and symptoms can manifest. The problem has most likely not been thoroughly explained to you yet. The symptoms and conditions listed above are, very simply put, the result of the problem.

The patient who is enduring the pain from a degenerative disc, herniated disc, bulging disc, sciatica or stenosis, just wants their life back. Most healthcare providers are focused on the diagnosis; therefore, they teach their patients to focus on their symptoms in order to gain insight to the problem.
The result of focusing on the symptoms is that only the symptoms are treated, and that approach doesn’t solve the reason that the symptoms exist for the patient. The therapies you may have attempted so far (physical therapy, chiropractic, epidural injections, spinal surgery, etc.) have failed to provide you lasting relief because your fundamental problem has not been addressed by your doctor or the medical community as a whole.
True Treatments. True Outcomes.
Select Health of the Carolinas is the Charlotte region’s exclusive provider of a revolutionary breakthrough spinal disc and back pain treatment, which is an innovation for people suffering from bulging discs, herniated discs, degenerative discs, sciatica, spinal stenosis and other disc-related symptoms. By focusing on the re-establishment of your discs’ built-in physiological mechanism for self-healing, our trademarked treatment is designed to activate your discs’ ability to repair its own cells…which, in turn and over time, works to correct your problem.
The disc-focused protocol is a combination of treatments that can create an increase of needed circulation to the disc, which should allow the disc to heal and repair. The disc is living tissue that has significant mechanisms for self-repair, and this is a proven physiological fact.
It is this mechanism that the treatment seeks to tap into with our advanced technology. We use an exclusive, individualized process, utilizing FDA-Cleared medical technology and equipment designed to improve the blood flow and the oxygen/nutrient exchange in the spinal disc…which can give the disc the chance to heal, and in turn, eliminate the pain/numbness associated with your condition.
Our treatment focuses on reversing your problem, and turning your situation around, hopefully, allowing your discs to receive what they need to get better.
You should begin, as a result of concentrating on the underlying problem, to feel better, have less pain, and get your daily life back. All accomplished in our office, without surgery, without epidural injections, without any downtime, and with few or no side effects. In fact, our disc-focused treatment is 100% non-invasive, and can help you avoid spinal surgery.
Your disc has built-in mechanisms to repair itself, and the treatment (individualized for you) focuses on getting them working again. Now you may have a real solution, instead of high-risk, poor outcome procedures, like surgery or epidural injections.
Treatment for both spinal disc conditions and neck and back pain at Select Health of the Carolinas, starts and ends with our trademarked Our NDR Method® spinal disc-focused treatment. This is a non-surgical protocol that is designed to promote and support your body’s natural healing process. Our treatments are based on the most advanced non-surgical technologies available today. This includes both our own trademarked protocol and our exclusive MediNox Pro, based on Nobel Prize winning research.
This disc-focused treatment is a unique multi-faceted treatment, and with the majority of our patients, there is no down time, and no side effects. If you would like to schedule an appointment, complete the form above or call us directly.