Visco-Supplementation Therapy
in Charlotte, NC
Viscosupplementation is a procedure in which a thick, gel-like substance is injected into a joint (intra-articular), most commonly to treat arthritis pain.
When a person has osteoarthritis of the knee they are suffering with a painful, and potentially crippling disease. Osteoarthritis of the knee can make things as basic as standing and walking very hard to do, no matter what your age or fitness level.
Osteoarthritis is caused by the breakdown of knee cartilage, which serves as the knee’s main cushion and shock absorber. A healthy and normal knee, has a plentiful supply of joint fluid called synovial fluid which helps keep the knee joint lubricated. The healthy knee also has cartilage, and together with the synovial fluid, they allow for smooth motion of the knee joint.
Most people as they age, do experience some level of cartilage breakdown and synovial fluid loss. The reduction in these two joint components will cause pain and discomfort and is more severe in arthritis patients. A knee injection to rebuild cartilage would be an ideal solution to this pain and discomfort.
One highly successful treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee is Visco-Supplementation, which is also knows as Hyaluronic Acid (HA). You may hear some people refer to HA as artificial synovial fluid injections.
This procedure is minimally invasive and involves an injection of Hyaluronic Acid into the knee joint. Hyaluronic Acid is a natural substance already found in knee joint (synovial) fluid.
HA helps with joint lubrication and shock absorption. This injection process typical requires a series of treatments over a recommended period of time in order to produced the best results. HA is both FDA and Medicare Approved, when medically necessary, for treatment in knee joints.
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can be Found Under
a Variety of Brand Names:
•Hyalgan LL
•Supartz FX