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Patient Health Plans &
Financial Information

Select Health of the Carolinas Patient Financial Information

Select Health of the Carolinas accepts Medicare and most other Health and Managed Care Plans. The level of benefits vary with each individual’s particular conditions, treatment plan, and situation (deductibles, copays, plan provisions, limitations, etc.).


All benefits are verified and presented to each patient prior to any fee-for-service treatments being rendered to the patient.  Given the complexity of privacy laws and varying health plans, benefits are only quoted to patients in person.

We know that many patients have health plans with either high deductibles or limited benefits. You may even be a patient without health plan coverage for your treatment. To accommodate these, and other financial concerns, our office offers financing through CareCredit.


Depending on qualifying factors, financing can be interest-free (0%) and can help you pay for deductibles or non-covered services, even for services that are considered restorative, experimental, aesthetic and/or cosmetic.

If you have an health plan or financing related question, please submit the form below. We are happy to answer general questions, but we can not quote benefits or fees via phone or email.

A Partial List...

...of Plans Accepted at Select Health of the Carolinas in Charlotte, NC*

*Elective services are typically not covered by Medicare and/or other health plans However, these services can often be paid with/through HSA and/or FSA accounts.

You should anticipate a Copay or Co-insurance and/or deposit toward a Deductible for services in our office, similar to other doctors you visit. Additionally, it is our office policy to collect your copay/co-insurance  for you office visit at the time of check-in.

We do not allow for terms or billing on amounts deemed to be payable at the time of service. Individual health plan benefits are researched electronically and, upon request,  we are happy to review the expected coverage and benefits. Given the complexity of privacy laws and varying health plans, benefits are only quoted to new patients in person.

Our acceptance of these plans is in no way a guarantee that all services rendered in the office will be covered under your health plan. Many valid, successful, proven therapies and treatments, performed worldwide, are not yet covered by  companies. Regretfully, we cannot quote coverage/benefits or fees via e-mail or telephone.

We will be happy to assist you with the financial arrangements that best suit your individual needs.

It's Easy to Start Feeling Better

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Schedule an appointment
today with our team,
based in Charlotte, NC.

Meet with One of our Providers

Discuss your condition, review treatments and learn how our treatment plan may help you get better.

Start Treatment

Avoid Getting Even Worse
It’s your choice to feel better
and we may be able to help.

Contact Us Today at 704-541-5555


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