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Body Contouring,
Facial Rejuvenation
& Lipo-Laser Fat Removal

Non-Surgical / Non-Invasive Body Contouring & Medical Weight Loss in Charlotte, NC

Red-Light Body Contouring can reduce total inches in as little as One 25-Minute Session. Our multi-wavelength treatment can begin to increase Collagen in the face, neck and upper chest in one short 25-minute treatment.

Yes, non-surgical body contouring and facial rejuvenation does work for the majority of our patients. Just one LED-Session can be equated to seven 30-minute cardio workouts for fat reduction.

Doctor-Supervised, non-surgical, non-invasive LED-light body contouring, fat reducing and Collagen increasing treatment available today!

The Doctor-supervised fat reduction, facial rejuvenation and medical weight loss system…

…we have in place in our office is designed to allow you to enhance and improve your health and quality of life by taking literally taking inches off of those difficult to target areas, like your waistline, hips, thighs, arms and chin. This technology is capable of spot-reducing those areas that are hard to reduce with just diet and exercise alone.

This technology has really been a “game-changer” for so many people looking to lose fat, inches and rejuvenate their face quickly and non-surgically.  This treatment system is proven to be much easier than an overly-strict diet combined with exhaustive exercise. A healthy diet and regular exercise are, of course, the long-term lifestyle change both encouraged and needed for lasting health,  but not effective when trying to lose inches in a short amount of time.  Most people, who have researched surgical methods of fat reduction and facial rejuvenation are well aware of the possible life-threatening side effects. The non-surgical weight loss process offered in our office utilize the maximum amount of LED Light Technology to take full advantage advances of fat reduction.

Our non-invasive body contouring protocol also has a very simple nutrient package and nutritional suggestions along with easy exercise options combined with a 30-minute, relaxing session that accelerates the fat-burning capabilities within your own body.

Before & After Photos
represent results after the
recommended number of
contour sessions.

Photos should not
be interpreted as results
after one session and
individual results may vary.

You no longer have to ask,
"Does non-invasive
body contouring work?"
Try it for yourself today.

What is Red Light Body Contouring?

Watch our Video
to Learn More…

Toning & Tightening

Improved Circulation

Facial Rejuvenation

Unique Features,
Not Just Fat
You Deserve It!
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