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Full Body
Vibration Therapy

Full Body Vibration Therapy
in Charlotte, NC

Vibration Therapy has the potential to provide a wide-range of health benefits including:

•Nerve Stimulation

•Stronger muscles

•Increased bone mass

•Increased blood flow

•Increased flexibility

•Stimulating our body’s lymphatic system.


This type of therapy can affect the majority of your body, including, but not limited to:

•Fascia (sheath around your tissues),






We have been using Full Body Vibration Therapy for years because in as little as 5 minutes per treatment, it has the ability to expedite the overall healing process of our patients.

To request a no charge consultation, please complete the form below and a member of our scheduling team
will contact you.

Does Vibration Therapy Help You Heal?

Because of the potential for vibration therapy to stimulate nerves, the ability for this therapy to improve many conditions exists. We often utilize vibration therapy, in combination with other therapies or medications, for care and treatment of:

  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Herniated Discs
  • Soft Tissue Injuries
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