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If You are Looking for
Pain Relief in Charlotte, NC...

If you are looking for pain relief in Charlotte, NC, Select Health of the Carolinas has the healthcare professionals well-trained in the Bio Cell Therapy. There are many types of Bio Cell Therapy available to our medical providers and depending on your condition we will work with you to determine which type is best for you. Many, which you may have tried before, are primarily designed for pain relief. Many people are familiar with Microcurrent, TENS and Interferential Current.

In our office, we go a step further and offer a highly advanced form of Electro-Medicine, called Bio Cell Therapy, which is actually designed to re-program and re-generate nerves the nerves themselves, not just block pain.

The simplest explanation of Electro-Medicine would be

described as using electrical energy as medical treatment.

The simplest explanation of Bio Cell Therapy would be described as using electrical energy as medical treatment. The definition can apply to a wide range of treatments, including the use of electrical devices such as deep brain stimulators for neurological diseases. These treatments can relieve pain, increase range of motion, reduce swelling, as well as, relieve muscle spasms and stimulate nerves. Bio Cell Therapy has the potential to increase nutrient absorption to your body’s tissues and perform muscle re-education and even neural-reprogramming.

Despite there being several types of Electro-Medicine, most well-known types will work by delivering short bursts of electricity to specific nerves in your body, temporarily blocking the nerve impulses responsible for transmitting pain signals to your brain. This is why the well-known Electro-Medicine therapies are used to reduce or eliminate neck and back pain, increase muscle strength and eliminate the symptoms of various musculoskeletal conditions.

To request a no charge consultation, please complete the form below and a member of our scheduling team will contact you.

Please Note: Submitting this form does not establish a Doctor-Patient relationship and this form is not intended as a means to dispense medical advice.

electric stimulation machine

If you or someone you care about is suffering with pain associated with a musculoskeletal or nerve-related condition it is so important to seek out help for the pain.

Our practice offers many forms of treatment, which are
proven to be effective to relieve the daily discomfort.
Improving on the quality of life of our patients is of the
utmost importance to our medical team.

To learn more about our specialized
or to schedule a no charge consultation with one of
our qualified providers,
please call 704-541-5555.

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